Saturday, May 30, 2020

A Scholarship Essay Reflecting On The Essence Of Benjamin Franklin - 550 Words

A Scholarship Essay Reflecting On The Essence Of Benjamin Franklin (Essay Sample) Content: Scholarship EssayReflecting on the essay of Benjamin Franklin about the essence of happiness has enabled me to contribute to the social good of my community in various aspects. Indeed, as the essence postulates, the desire to be happy occurs almost naturally and can almost be termed a second nature to humanity. The entire human race is in pursuit of such caliber of happiness and satisfaction, all with one culmination in mind. Effective living means paying attention to the physical, spiritual, and psychological paradigms of life.I have helped my neighbors to learn ways of attaining sustainable growth using solar panels in the place of electricity and using green manure in the place of artificial fertilizer. I believe in the need to make sustainable growth at all times for the sake of preserving future prosperity. Without the world, we would have no place to live and hence the need to maintain the existing ecosystem for future generations. The current world has a narrow view of growth, appreciation it regarding financial growth. Appreciating the simple things in life like good health is the first step towards gaining true happiness.Through my very actions and those of others, I have learned that evil remains evil and cannot be chosen even though it manifests under the appearance of imaginary good. The ultimate learning the essence of Benjamin Franklin has imparted to my role in my society is that the little things in life make all the difference in making the world a better place. I believe that wellbeing and a real sense of happiness accrue from having a balanced approach to environmental, social, and financial aspects of life. I understand the different methods that people take as ends to varying means albeit maintaining division the very notions of itBeing self-sufficient is the first step towards enhancing the social standards of my environments. Some of the aspects that make for self-sustaining include the ability to forgive oneself, grateful ness, the creation of fun and enjoyment and having compassion for ourselves. I learned to be confident and optimistic with the assurance that all things are possible provided I put my energies into them. I have helped other people to live in alignment with their personalities, beliefs, values, and strength of character. Moreover, I have supported my friends to have greater autonomy over their lives, by mastering and developing new skills and remaining in control of their lives.Reflection upon anyone disposition or passion of the mind enables us to see the disconnection between the abstract ...

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